Class Inheritance
Space exploration can be very boring when you're alone, I think it's time to add some action by spawning enemies around the map. While thinking about the functionalities needed by the enemy ships, I noted that many of them are the same of the player ship. For instance, both need the arrays for directions, the same functions to move and rotate, etc. This is the typical case where class inheritance comes in handy. Class inheritance is one of the core concepts of many OOP (Object Oriented Programming) languages. It basically lets you create a base class where all the common behaviours and properties are stored; you can extend that class to other more specialized classes, where you can write methods and store variables that affect that particular subclass only. We already used this concept in the project, but Unreal Engine managed it for us behind the scenes: all our classes extend the Actor class, so all the basic methods like drawing the mesh, etc. are already writte...