Explosion effect - Camera shaking
Every explosion has a shockwave effect, and this is usually shown in videogames with camera shaking . Unreal Engine has a built-in class that provides this kind of effect, so all we need to do is adding a new Blueprint class, and search for "Camera shake". I'll call it MyCameraShake . In the Blueprint editor we can change the parameters of the shake effect. What we need are the following: I set the duration to 0.4, so that it ends shaking just before the end of the visual explosion effect we created here . Now, in the usual EnemyBP editor, we can chain this effect to the ones already playing when we have a collision: The node to activate is "Play World Camera Shake", and we can assign it the class MyCameraShake . The location where the shake effect starts doesn't really matter, we can use the enemy location as we did for the particle system. The other 2 parameters to set are minimum radius: if the camera is placed within that radi...