3D printing the starship miniature
In the previous post I modified the starship model used in-game to make it's printable, adding details and making sure it's manifold . Let's export it in a print-friendly format, like .STL : Now it's time to give it a pass with a dedicated software to check its integrity. Since my O.S. is Windows 10, i'm going to use the built-in application 3D Build ; it's very simple but works perfectly for checking and repairing 3D models. There are many alternatives online, like Netfabb by Autodesk (you can download the free trial: for the first 30 days you'll have access to all the functionalities of the software, and after the trial expires you still have the basic features working, and they're enough to preview and fix your 3d models). Importing the model Automatic repair Now, with my Geeetech Prusa I3 MK2 3D printer I'm going to use the dedicated software called Repetier; this will use an engine called Slic3r to create a series o...