Start your engines!
Let's move our player ship around the map! I imported the mesh I created in Blender into Unreal; then, as usual, I created a PlayerShipClass based on AActor, to manage the behaviour of my ship. Instead of dragging it in the editor to create my Static Mesh Actor, I'm going to spawn it from code, inside the BeginPlay() method of my PlayerController class: Here I can specify the world position of my mesh, and this will become necessary when we have multiple levels, each with its own map dimensions. Then I set the gameState to 0, meaning that the game will start inside the Player turn, waiting for his input. Let's take a look at the PlayerShipClass constructor, where I'm specifying what mesh to use: As we did with Hexagon tiles, I'm telling the constructor where to find the mesh, assigning it to the Actor and setting its location and scale. Let's compile, and take a look at our glorious spaceship, awaiting for orders at the center of the m...