Prototype gameplay

Hello! I'm back to programming after my short holiday in the 3D modeling world with Blender.

Today, I'll show you a gameplay video from my Java prototype:

This is a sample level with random spawned enemies of all kind. It shows how you can approach enemies in different ways, trying to avoid them, moving to their same cell to destroy them, or deploying a mine for the most annoying ones.
Also, resources management can be done with different strategies: you can repair as soon as you get hit, or decide to continue playing damaged, hoping to reach the end of the level.

In advanced levels, you could be asked to complete it after collecting at least N resources, or killing X enemies, and so on. These constraints will constantly change the way you play, and (hopefully) keep you interested in the game.

Next: I'll finally move to Unreal Engine and see how hard it is to implement all these ideas in that environment. I expect many challenges, but I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading, and game you next time!
